IPC Certification

What is an IPC Certification and Why is It Important?

According to the IPC or Association Connecting Electronics Industries, IPC Certification and Training plays a very important role in bringing value and elevating the electronics industry through a highly-competent and skilled workforce. In a highly-competitive and continuously changing industry, the workforce needs to be trained, educated and certified through programs that are built around standards that have…

Engineer Teaching Apprentices To Use Computerized Lathe

How to Become a Certified IPC Trainer

Certified Trainer Programs are intended for those who wish to become certified as instructors in different IPC specifications for the electronic assembly industry. This includes training, supply of IPC-based instructional materials, and subsequent certification of successful candidates. Written exams are also provided throughout the course to test the candidates and ensure..

Hot iron solder

Soldering 101: How to Get a Soldering Job

Soldering, a process in which two or more items are joined together by melting and putting a filler metal (solder) into the joint, is utilized worldwide in the manufacturing process. The electronics industry utilizes soldering to create circuit boards and strong connections between wires. If the soldering process is poorly performed the connections can break, causing electronic items to malfunction…

IPC logo

The Benefits of IPC-J-STD-001 Certified IPC Specialist (CIS) to Individuals and Organizations

The J-STD-001 certification of the Association Connecting Electronic Industries (IPC) is an individual level certification. It is based on a standard titled “Requirements for Soldered Electrical and Electronic Assemblies”. This standard enumerates the items required for the soldering of electronic and electrical assemblies such as materials, methods and criteria for verification. This standard stresses the importance…

Soldering, shallow DOF, focus on the tip, text space

IPC Soldering Training for Veterans – Opening Doors of Opportunities for Heroes

After years of working and fighting for the country, veterans often retire from military service with lots of mental challenges especially post traumatic stress disorder or PTSD. To make sure that our patriots are able to return to society as productive members, the government has granted them an opportunity to learn soldering skills and get hired by electronics manufacturing companies and other…

IPC Certification

The Salient Benefits of IPC Training and Certification to Businesses and Individuals

Electronics is an ever evolving industry, and it owes its phenomenal advancement to technology, unparalleled technical skills, smart decisions and excellent performance of the people and machines involved in the manufacturing and assembly process. Because of its ever-changing demands, and to establish standards of quality, certain stakeholders in the industry formed the Association Connecting…

quality control in manufacturing

Quality Certification – How Electronic Manufacturing Companies Can Benefit from Them

The electronics industry is a free enterprise. It doesn’t require electronic contract manufacturers to hold quality certifications to be allowed to conduct business. In fact. Any entity or organization that is capable of procuring and operating electronic manufacturing equipment can consider themselves as electronic manufacturing services (EMS) providers. As for certifications, they can be…

electronic circuit

Quality Certifications – How Electronic Manufacturing Companies Can Benefit from Them

The electronics industry is a free enterprise. It doesn’t require electronic contract manufacturers to hold quality certifications to be allowed to conduct business. In fact, any entity or organization that is capable of procuring and operating electronic manufacturing equipment can consider themselves an electronic manufacturing services (EMS) provider. There are certifications required by the…